Sunday, August 11, 2013

The "Shoe Game"

The Ice Breaker Game everyone pays attention to. It's fun and easy to do, usually done between cake cutting and the garter/bouquet toss. Here's how it works...

1. The bride and groom sit in chairs on the dance floor back to back.
2. They exchange one shoe each, so both have one female shoe and one male.
3. The DJ/MC asks the questions below and both the bride and groom raise the shoe of the person they believe to be the correct answer.

(this can also be done with pink and blue paddles or some other type of creative indicator of his/her answer)

Another great idea is to bring in the parents of the bride and groom if both are living and still married. All 3 couples can answer the questions together so the audience can see how a newly married couple compares to two that have been together for years. Usually the parents are brought in after the first few questions are answered by the newly weds.

who is a better cook? 
who is the better driver?
who made the first move?
who said "I LOVE YOU" first?
who is in charge of the remote?
who is the messiest?
who cleans more?
who will be the first to fall asleep tonight?
who steals the covers more?
who talks more?
who is more likely to destroy clothing doing the laundry?
who is most likely to wake up with a hangover in the morning?
who is most likely to wake up grumpy in the morning?
who is most likely to be running late?
who likes to shop more?
who spends more money?
who has a wackier family?
who is the biggest flirt?
who spends the most time in front of a mirror?
who is in control of the checkbook?
who wears the pants in the family?  
who spends the most time getting ready to go out?
who will be doing most of the yard work?
now that you're married, who will be the first to say... "not tonight"?
who's the better kisser?
who will be the first to fall asleep tonight?
who's the 1st one to make up after a fight?
who's the one that started the fight in the first place?
who's the most likely to wake up grumpy in the morning?
and finally... Who do you love the most in the whole wide world...?

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Great Idea!

Instead of sparklers or bubbles, the guest wrote well wishes on paper lanterns and launched them as the bride and groom exited the venue and made their way to the get away car!

Wish Lantern Orders

It was exciting for all of the guests and made for a beautiful back drop as the bride and groom left for their honeymoon.

These can be use in addition to a firework display to completely illuminate the sky for that perfect last picture of the reception.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Picking Your First Dance Song

There are several popular options for your first dance. I've took the time to list a few below. When picking your song, listen to some of the ones below, and see if it one fits your taste. If not, maybe it will lead you to a song not listed. Also, don't forget about the lighting and special effects. We only get one chance to do your first dance as a married couple, so let's make it perfect!

"I Won't Give up" Jason Mraz
"Never Stop" (Wedding Version) Safety Suit
"God Bless The Broken Road" Rascal Flatts
"At Last" Etta James
"The First Dance" Corey Smith
"From This Moment" Shania Twain
"Marry Me" Train
"I Won't Let Go" Rascal Flatts
"Everything I Do" Bryan Adams
"I'll Be" Edwin McCain
"Angel Eyes" Jeff Healy Band
"Take My Breath Away" Berlin
"Amazed" Lonestar
"Can't Help Falling In Love" Elvis Presley
"All My Life" K-Ci & JoJo
"Make You Feel My Love" Adele
"Faithfully" Journey
"I'll Stand By You" The Pretenders
"Unchained Melody" Righteous Brothers
"One" U2